Gregorick gave a playful scowl to his nephew. “If you don't lay down, Troy, I'm not going to tell the story.”
little boy instantly stilled. He drew his knees up to his chin and
hugged them, as it that would hinder his jumping on the bed again.
“I'm sorry. Please tell it!”
already asleep, Father.” Another voice came from the corner, and
Daleth chuckled.
you talk in your sleep, my boy?”
young brow wrinkled in thought. After a long moment, he said, “Aye.
And I listen good, too, so you can go ahead and tell the story.”
both boys' attention glued on him, Daleth couldn't help himself. He
rubbed his chin. “Well, now, I don't know. It is getting late. And
you've already heard this story more times than I can count.”
and Fort both lunged for him. “No, no! You promised to tell us!”
laughed as he wrestled with both boys. He knew he shouldn't get them
all excited again, not when it was already past their bedtime, but he
loved their tumbles together. Fort was definitely getting stronger,
even at nine years of age, and his father was proud to note all the
signs of a worthy leader in him. He had a strong command about him
that not many boys his age could uphold, and Daleth knew without a
doubt that Fort would be the one to lead the Gregorick name back into
its former glory. How could one look at Fort and believe otherwise?
on the other hand, was full of an innocent and childish energy. His
bright eyes eagerly looked upon the world and refused to find fault
with it. The six year old's curly blond hair never was smoothed down,
and he steadfastly followed his cousin into whatever game or mischief
Fort could come up with. Troy had been so young when his parents had
died, and yet, almost as if to spite his bleak past, he was never
bitter about it. He didn't remember much about his mother or father,
and Daleth supposed that helped.
You said you'd tell it tonight!” Fort cried as Daleth's strong arms
pushed him back. “You can't back out of your promise!”
it! Tell it!” Troy chanted, bouncing up and down once more on his
own bed.
right, all right!” Daleth threw his hands up in surrender as Fort
leaped up to tackle him again. “Sit down, both of you.”
relinquished the fight with a satisfied sigh as Troy dropped himself
flat on the bed, eyes dancing.

Gregorick!” Fort announced, not noticing that he was interrupting.
named after him,” Troy announced innocently.
turned a scowl on his cousin. “No, you're not.”
that he is, my son,” Daleth said. “Now, are you two going to tell
the story, or are you going to let me do it?”
Uncle!” Troy buried his face into the blankets. “Keep going!”
so Daleth did. “Troinlus Gregorick was my great-great-great uncle.
He was a good man, strong, handsome, clever, and brave. He was
friends with every fairy, dwarf, elf, and man in Malarber. There was
no obstacle he could not overcome, no problem he could not fix, no
song he could not sing.”
puffed up his chest and whispered to Troy, “Just like me!”
loved the princess Dortsa Rosa with all his heart. The king, too,
loved Troinlus like a son, and he was so happy to see him engaged to
his daughter.”
she love him?”
caught off guard, blinked twice. “I'm sorry?”
took a deep breath. “I mean, did the princess love Troinlus? They
couldn't get married unless she loved him, too.”
I'm sure she did. Her father would not have arranged their betrothal
unless he knew it would make his daughter happy. She must have loved
him very much, for he was ever her only choice for a suitor.”
Daleth lowered his eyebrows. “I thought you said you were going to
be quiet.”
blushed. “I'll bite my tongue, Uncle.” And following his words,
he did just that, crossing his eyes in an attempt to catch a glimpse
himself in the act.
laughed but continued. “But there were many people who did not
approve of their marriage, and so a week before the wedding, someone
crept into the palace. The guards never saw him, nor was his evil
presence ever detected.”
though he knew the story, Troy gasped. “Who was it?”
one knows to this day who that man was, or even if he was man at all.
Some people think it might have been a dwarf, or even a fairy. But
they never caught him. And they never suspected that someone would do
something so ghastly as he did.”
was also hooked. “What?”
poisoned Dortsa Rosa.”
The two boys breathed at the same time.

that was a bad thing,” Troy offered, forgetting his promise to be
quiet. “Because she never woke up.”
gave a sad nod. “Her parents did all they could to wake her.
Doctors were called from every corner of Malarber, and some were even
summoned from Troisem and Darancia. But no one could wake her. She
slept, and she would not be stirred. Weeks passed, months passed, and
still the princess slept. Her parents grew old and died, and Troinlus
was devastated. He kept her memory alive and never married, always
pledging himself true to his betrothed. But he could not last
forever, either, and it wasn't long before the good people of
Malarber buried Troinlus.”
that's when bad luck fell on the Gregoricks.” Fort looked very
solemn, but his facial muscles twitched in deep thought.
with Dortsa Rosa asleep, Troinlus could not marry her, and thus the
family of Gregorick passed into a lesser name. Troinlus's younger
brother married and kept the family alive, but their former glory was
all lost.”
what happened to the princess?” Troy asked in a whisper.
studied the face of his nephew. “No one ever saw her again. Some
say she still sleeps, only to waken after a hundred years have
passed. Others believe that she will never waken again.”
story finished, Fort and Troy settled under their blankets. Daleth
gave them each a good-night kiss on their forehead and then left the
room. As the door shut behind him, Troy bounded out of bed and raced
to keep it open.
turned. “What is it, Troy?”
does Dortsa Rosa mean? Why do we call her that?”
means his flower sleeps. Troinlus gave her that name while she
slept to honor her memory, and so she is still called today because no one can remember what her real name was. Now, are
you quite finished with questions?”
Uncle. G'nite.” Troy shut the door and scuttled back to bed.
sooner had he jumped onto his pillow then Fort yanked it from beneath
him and smacked him in the face with it. With a stifled giggle, Troy
snatched his cousin's pillow and counterattacked. The fight only
lasted a few moments before Fort had the six year old pinned down on
the floor.
yours!” Troy gasped. “Get off!”
rolled off with a grin. “Say, do you want to know a secret?”
eyes gleamed. “What secret?”

Rosa and Troinlus's wedding rings. I found them in the treasury.”
gaped. “Are you allowed to go there?”
Fort grinned proudly. “But Father will never miss them. They're
ours now. They'll stand for our pledge.”
Troy wasn't sure what a pledge was, but hearing Fort speak of it like
that, it must be something awfully important.
grabbed his cousin's hand and placed it on top of his with the rings
between their palms. “Dortsa Rosa is real, Troy. I just know it.
And it'll be us who find her one day. She may be sleeping, but we're
going to wake her up. That is our pledge.”
Troy shouted happily.
the two of them climbed back into their beds, Troy lay awake for a
while, thinking as only a young boy could think. He knew Fort would
find the sleeping princess. Fort could do anything he set his mind
to. Fort was just like Troinlus, and if he said Dortsa Rosa was
sleeping, if he believed that they could find her, then it was all
true. Fort would be a hero in all Malarber, and Troy would be his
right hand man.
Troinlus, there would be nothing they could not do. Not as long as they were together.
~ Beyond the Thorns
(Copyright of Kiri Liz; please do not steal; thanks)
God bless!
Oh, I love this! It makes me want to read more.
ReplyDeleteI'm also greatly enjoying TSOTHT. I really like how you set the S-mother's house in the city, instead of in the country where it's usually portrayed. That makes for a fresh take.
But, I probably shouldn't be saying this all here.
I'll see you TOMORROW!!!!!!!
Oh, delightful! Let me guess, one of those delightful boys is the hero of the story and will marry Miss Rosa?
ReplyDeleteI really like your writing style. (Which makes me even happier that I get to be one of your beta readers for Hazel Tree which I am loving to bits. I love Julien more than I thought I would.)
ReplyDeleteAah! I loved this! Though, sadly, it took me quite a while to realize who the two little boys would grow up to be;) Oh, and the pictures are great, too:D FANTASTICAL snippet, Kiri Liz!
ReplyDeleteUh...this is kind of AMAZING!!!
ReplyDeleteTroy is so adorable! I love how you did him. Your characters are always so full of personality.
Great snippet! It's really enjoyable! P.S. I love the name Fort
ReplyDeleteThank you, girls, for all your encouraging comments!
ReplyDeleteKathryn ~ You want more? And this coming from the girl who demands I finish TK... *winks*
Kendra ~ *shrugs* Nothing is certain in this story yet. I usually just resign myself to waiting and seeing.
Jack ~ Thanks! I'm so glad you're enjoying SotHT! I was really excited to include you in my beta-readers. :D
Arwen ~ Ah, yes, those two little boys. Well, well... *lifts eyebrows*
Lauri ~ Aw, thanks! I had no idea how much I'd love Troy when I began writing him. I've only written one chapter with him in it, but I think he's already my favorite. He was s'posed to be pensive and quiet, but... well, you see what happened. ;)
Ashley ~ Thank you! Honestly, Fort was one of the more difficult characters to name. I wanted something simple but something with a lot of meaning. He needed a name to match his personality: strong, steadfast, etc.
Awww, they are so much fun!
ReplyDeleteYAY!! So this story IS set in the Twelve kingdoms. :D
WHOA. She was engaged to their ancestor??!!! BRILLIANT!!
You mentioned Troisem. *grinning happily*
*DYING AT HOW EPIC THEIR PLEDGE IS* And I love how Troy is content to be Fort's right hand man. No sibling/cousin rivalry here, which is refreshing and neat.
I love it!!!! I wanna read the rest!!!!