Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Guest Post By Kathryn: Third From The Throne Blog

About a week ago, I asked my dear friend, Kathryn, to guest post on my blog on the topic of her new blog, Third From The Throne. And she very kindly consented. :)

So, my dear bloggers, I give you the first guest post on Lianne Taimenlore:

Thanks, Kiri Liz, for this opportunity!  I am pleased to be able to gather publicity for the newish blog of Prince Niklas of Astolte.  You see, I am being very obvious about it all.  This is a publicity-gathering post.
And just who is Prince Niklas?  Well, may you ask, but I am not going to satisfy one teensy little speck of curiosity here.  You’ll simply have to head over to check out his blog, Third From the Throne.  I am his translator, as only Astolteans and a few others can speak his native language.  Why he asked me to translate for him, I have no idea.

Okay, so Prince Niklas is really a fictional character invented by myself, and Astolte is a fictional nation also invented by myself, but the blog is definitely real.  In a new story, The Felnarbl Murders, which I am working on, Prince Niklas really does have a blog, and he keeps it a secret from his family.  The real blog is the Prince’s online journal of daily events, as well as a vast storehouse of modern Astoltean culture.  This blog will eventually provide tidbits from the story, a murder mystery, as the title should have told you.

So, please head over to Third From the Throne and enter Prince Niklas’ world.  It’s very exciting.
And while you’re at it, you could stop at Hidden Orchards.  *Ahem*  Anywho, thanks for reading!

Kathryn is an eighteen-year-old Christian girl who loves to write. She also enjoys cooking, baking, and, above all, reading. She seeks to glorify God with her life and please Him in every way that she can. You can find her on blogger here at Hidden Orchards and here at Third From The Throne

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