Monday, January 20, 2014

The Dear Love Valentine Blog Party Annoucement

Yes, indeed! You are all invited to a Valentine blog party! 

I cannot even begin to describe how excited I am for this. For a couple years now (or for as long as I've been on Blogger), I've wanted to host some kind of young Christian ladies' blog party that celebrates the meaning of true love. Let's face it: so much of our world around Valentine's Day gets stuck in that modern rut of mushy romance and melting chocolate. Hollywood thinks that this holiday is all about candlelight dinners and gushy love songs, and we get so stuck on it all that we start to believe that.

But that's not true love! Whatever happened to Christian girls being content where God places them, seeking a man of God that will lead a new family in all truth rather than a picking out a good-looking friend once every six months who gives her a momentary thrill, and understanding the real meaning of true love? There's so much more to love, and people pass by and don't even notice.

Well, this year, we're going to notice. And so, for the week of St. Valentine's Day, I will be hosting a Dear Love Valentine Blog Party (let's just call it "Dear Love," shall we?). This is a party FOR young Christian ladies and BY young Christian ladies. I have a number of wonderful guest posts lined up for the occasion, and I'm also very glad to inform you that there will also be a giveaway. The party will run from February 10th to the 14th, and I'm inviting you all to be here at Lianne Taimenlore for the week. 

Below are buttons for the party, and I'd really appreciate if you all would help me spread the word on your own blogs and Pinterest pages. 

You know, for once, I'm actually looking forward to Valentine's Day. *winks*

God bless!


  1. This sounds exciting! I may participate!

  2. YAY!! I'm so excited!!! Just added the button to my blog. Can't wait!

  3. Sounds awesome!! Can't wait. :D

  4. GAH!! Can't wait!!!


  5. Ooh this sounds exciting! It's a wonderful idea!

  6. I like this idea!!! I am already part of something else around the same time, but I am going to see if I can fit this in as well


  7. Great Post!
    Thanks for sharing this. Let's follow each other and share!? :-)
