Thursday, May 2, 2019

What Happened at Camp...

Camp NaNo, to be exact.

I began the month of April with grand plans to add a whopping 50K words onto The Twelfth Kingdom. Did I accomplish my goal?


I didn't even come anywhere close. In the end, I wrote a whopping total of 15,052 words -- not even half of my original goal. I discovered this last camp that it is difficult to pen down time to write when you're a mom. Last November, it was easier to get my 50K for NaNo since my little girl was taking more naps and wasn't as mobile. NOW she's a year old (!!), getting into everything, and down to only two naps a day.

In addition to more parenting time, I also spent a great deal of April packing. My husband and I have been praying about moving for a couple months now, and the Lord has provided a place just across town that will work so  much better for our family! And it has central air! I cannot even begin to explain how excited I am about that in this southern heat. #truenortherngirl Getting ready to move took up a lot of time -- time that I had intended to spend writing.

And yet, oddly enough, I don't feel that I failed Camp NaNo.

For one thing, Camp NaNo is designed to be much more flexible than the official NaNo in November. It gives writers a chance to set their own goals and work at their own pace, rather than the set 1667 words every day regime. For some people (like it was for me last month), writing 50K in 30 days just isn't feasible. It's downright impossible. That's where Camp NaNo lends a helping hand by letting you pick your own goal, something that IS attainable.

I hadn't counted on a crazy month and having to pack up our house during Camp. And that's why I'm very thankful for the flexibility that month provides.

Additionally, I WROTE. It may not have been 50K, but I WROTE. And that's what writers do. Camp NaNo and NaNo official are meant to be months to help writers TO WRITE. The only way you can fail any NaNo is to not write at all. And for me, last month added another 15K onto TK. That's 15K I didn't have before. And that's 15K closer to the end of the story.

And to me, that's a win right there, folks.

Did you participate in Camp NaNo this year? How did the writing go for you? Let me know in the comments!

God bless!


  1. Well done, Kiri! Just to be able to say you WROTE is a success in itself. My NaNo went remarkably well compared to other attempts, but my goal was set rather low---still, I WROTE too! Being a mama certainly has its difficulties, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world, and I'm sure you feel the same.

    Congrats on the move! So happy for you & fam. I hope the transition goes as smoothly as possible, and if it doesn't, that God gives you grace to keep on. <3

  2. Sounds like a super busy month-- bu it was pretty flexible, wasn't it? :D I finished at 50k, and actually finished the book! So that was fun! And yep, I think the fact you wrote definitely counts as a win. :)

  3. I 100% agree with EVERYTHING you said about NaNo. I've always seen NaNo (especially Camp NaNo) as a push to get words down. It's GREAT having a goal and reaching it. BUT just getting into a habit of writing, making it a priority, and squeezing it in during days we normally wouldn't make time for, is the core goal. And that's exactly what you did! Like GIRL. Hoooowwww did you write 15k words while you were MOVING??? And taking care of a 1 year old? I am in awe! We moved a couple of years ago and I didn't get a single word in that entire month, and I wasn't even taking care of a baby! So yeah. o.o You are a writing ninja!

    So, so proud of you! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    Been thinking about you all and praying. I hope all the moving is going well! Have a lovely May, m'dear! <3

  4. I think I've come to the conclusion that NaNo in general is not my thing. But I'm glad you were able to get so much written last month! Like youb said, 15K is still a lot.

    Also, congrats on your move! Hope everything goes smoothly. :)

    P.S. Love the Tangled gif. ☺

  5. Hello Kiri. I am a Pastor from Mumbai, India. I am glad to stop by your profile on the blogger and the blog post. I am also blessed and feel privileged and honoured to get connected with you as well as know you being a born again christian and about your interest as a writer. It was interesting to go through your blog post on the Camp. This gave me an opportunity to get connected with you. I love getting connected with the people of God around the globe to be encouraged, strengthened and praying for one another. I have been in the Pastoral ministry for last 40 yrs in this great city of Mumbai a city with a great contrast where richest of rich and the poorest of poor live. We reach out to the poorest of poor with the love of Christ to bring healing to the brokenhearted. WE also encoruage young and the adults from the west to come to Mumbai to work with us during their vacation time. We would love to have you and your husband come to Mumabi to work with us or encourage your siblings to go on a short term missions trip during their vacation time to work with us. I am sure you will have an inspiration to write a book on the life of slum dewellers in the slums of Mumbai. I am sure it would be a rewarding time those who come to work with us. Looking forward to hear from you very soon. God's richest blessings on you, your family and friends. My email id is: dhwankhede(at)gmail(dot)com and my name is Diwakar Wankhede.
